Receive 2 FREE Comfi pillows and FREESHIPPING with every mattress purchase
At Comfi, we are all about creating the ultimate sleep comfort. Did you know that pillows make up 30% of your sleep solution? A good pillow is just as important as a good mattress, in providing a quality night’s sleep.
"People rarely give a lot of thought to the pillows they use but buying the right pillow and positioning it correctly is an important factor in sleep success. In addition to providing comfort, the right pillow will give the right support to the neck and spine alleviating and preventing pain," explains Dan Halliday, Comfi's Sleep expert and Sports Physiotherapist.
"The human neck curves slightly forwards (to sustain the weight of the head when upright) and it is important to maintain this curve when in a lying position. If a pillow is too high when sleeping on your side or back, the neck can be placed in an abnormal position, causing muscle strain in the neck and back."
Here are some tips for finding the right pillow.
The best pillow for you is one that meets your contours and sleeping position, as well as the density of your mattress. It should fit like a glove. The goal is to allow your neck and spine to be aligned properly so there is no gap between your neck and mattress. It should provide support for the head, neck, and upper spine while the body is lying in bed in a resting position.
Your pillow should support the natural curvature of your spine. Bear in mind that too large may tilt your head forwards and too small may tilt your head backwards.
Profile MEDIUM - LOW
Be sure the gap between your head and shoulders is filled by pillow so that your spine maintains a midline position.
Profile LOW
When sleeping on your stomach, your pillow should be relatively flat, to keep your spine in alignment. This will minimise strain on the neck/lumbar region.
The fill of the pillow you choose is important, different fills provide different advantages and degrees of firmness but often choice will come down to personal preference.
VIew Comfi's full range of pillows here>>

Terms and Conditions apply:
Valid 1 - 31 January 2025
Valid Comfi mattress purchases include Comfi Natural, Super Natural and Comfi Luxe mattresses in all sizes.
FREESHIPPING nationwide.
The 2 free Comfi Pillows will be the Down Alternative Pillows. If you would like to choose another pillow from our range, this can easily be arranged by paying the difference in price which is an incredible deal. To arrange this, simply email to or call on 0508 43826634.
This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any discount or other offer. To view our full set of terms and conditions and for up to date pricing click below.