Conscious Consumerism - Why Buying New Zealand-Made Products is Important

Conscious Consumerism - Why Buying New Zealand-Made Products is Important

In today’s globalized world, we have so many choices when buying goods. We would almost go as far as to say we have too much choice. Upon walking through the mall the other day, we noticed the same sneaker in four different stores. That just doesn’t seem like conscious consumerism to us. And, among the plethora of choices, this is where buying New Zealand-made products holds significant importance.

This is why at Comfi we are proud to be part of the ‘Buy New Zealand Made’ brand, recognised as a trusted country of origin mark for our three mattress ranges and All Wool Pillows. By having this, it helps consumers to make a conscious decision to support local brands and has a beautiful positive ripple effect. So, here's why supporting Kiwi-made products matters:

1. Strengthening the Local Economy

Every purchase of a New Zealand-made product helps support local businesses, artisans, and manufacturers. By keeping the money within the country, you (yes you) contribute to economic growth, create and keep jobs, and bolster community development. This economic boost ensures that local industries remain competitive and sustainable. Start to ask yourself questions like “where did this come from? Who made it? What happens to it if it breaks or there is a warranty issue? How long will it last?”

2. Ensuring High-Quality Standards

New Zealand-made products are synonymous with quality. Rigorous standards across production in all sectors means the "Made in New Zealand" label holds some sway. Buying locally manufactured items ensures that you’re investing in products crafted with care and attention to detail. The materials will have full traceability. For example, we can tell you that the wool in our beds comes from Colin’s farm in Taupo. Good luck being able to trace that story from imported goods.

3. Protecting the environment

So many New Zealand businesses these days opt for sustainable practices to ensure they do what they can to protect our beautiful country. By choosing to buy local products, you help reduce the carbon footprint associated with importing goods from overseas. Moreover, many Kiwi companies these days focus on using renewable resources, eco-friendly packaging, and sustainable production methods.

Did you know that Comfi is the only bed business to have a product stewardship scheme? We understand that disposing of a mattress is not the same as disposing of a pair of socks. Which is why we are an Impact Partner with All Heart, who take a collection of the old mattresses we collect from our customers, and downcycles them, reducing the volume into landfill by up to 70%. We know that often consumers will choose a bed in a box because of the price, but think about it - where does it go after you have finished with it? And given it’s a bed in a box, how long will this product last? You may be saving yourself $600 in the short term, but rest-assured, you’ll be spending that much again in a shorter period of time if you select a cheaper option.

So, we are sure you’ll agree with us that supporting New Zealand-made products is not just a purchase; it’s an investment in our country's future. It strengthens the economy, upholds quality and sustainability, and protects the very cultural fabric that makes New Zealand unique. Next time you shop look out for and buy NZ made products, consider slowing down, thinking deeply and acting with intention. And not just for this festive season, but all year round.